Open Enrollment application

Frustrated with your podcast and ready to quit?

You are not alone.

Did you know that the average podcast never makes it past its 7th episode?

Why do you think that is?

There can be many reasons. However, statistics show that the majority of podcasts end because the host(s) quits.

This is called "Pod-Fading".

Most podcasters don't even know when they are on the verge, or actually suffereing from "Pod-Fading". Additionally, they are rarely prepared for the challenges of launching and maintaing a podcast. Challenges such as consistent recording, marketing, content creation, and low downloads can become discouraging and diminish the passion to podcast.

Here's the good news, your passion for your podcast doesn't have to "fade"... It just has to be refueled.

And, that's what we'll do for you.

The Podcast Refuel Mastermind is a collaborative group of like-minded podcasters, designed to create an alliance in overcoming the roadblocks and challenges that can lead to "Pod Fade".

By offering diverse perspectives and shared experiences, our members are able to be apart of unique environment that aims to inspire, support, educate, and refuel each other's passion for podcasting, as they use the power of Collective Intelligence.

What You'll Get:


  • Small customized groups of your peers within the podcasting industry.
  • Create strong bonds and network with fellow members through shared experiences and Collective Intelligence.
  • Encouraging environment designed to motivate and hold each other accountable.
  • Members only access to online communities and events.


  • Attend weekly group strategy session facilitated by our professional podcast strategists.
  • Expand and learn through valuable feedback from a variety of perspectives and experience levels for solutions to problem areas.
  • Learn how to set S.M.A.R.T goals that will keep you from becoming overwhelmed and create achievable outcomes.
  • Improve your personal growth through the challenging of thoughts and the diversity of ideas and approach.


  • Build and nurture relationships with your peers that empower you to reach target goals.
  • Collectively grow partnerships through shared resources and connections.
  • Laser sharp focus on the exclusive needs of each member.
  • 24-hour support to our facilitator team.


The Podcast Refuel Mastermind is a service of Black Label Media, LLC.

The Podcast Refuel Mastermind is a 3-month, paid membership mastermind group.

See application for further details.

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Presented by

Black Label Media, LLC

Open Enrollment
Closes On:

February 14, 2021
11:59pm Eastern Time

Apply today

Space is limited. Don't miss your chance. Fill out the form below and sign up today.

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